
My BCLTE Review Materials and Mock Examination for 2025 Edition Exam

My BCLTE Review Materials plus Mock Examination  able to help **40 individual passed the October 2019 with 2 Topnotchers ( Top 2 and Top 7 ) **55 individual passed the April 2022 in the entire country with 6 Topnotchers (Top 1, Top 3, Top 4, Top 5 And 2 Top 7 ) **189 plus and counting passed the October 2022 Exam with 6 Topnotchers ( 2 Top 1, Top 2, Top 3 and 2 Top 4) **170 and counting passed the June 2023 BCLTE with 4 Topnotchers ( Top 2, 2 Top 5, and Top 6 ) The package composed of 2 Copies. Review Materials + Mock Examination. The Price is 1,300.00 if buy both copies and it is Free Shipping Fee. kindly read the details each: 1. 95 pages of LTOM Summary Readings and other references 2. more than 800 questions Mock Test ,160 pages OTHER Services: *Online Review Session live and it is Recorded (will send to your email after session) *4 days regular sessions *Final Mock Examination *2 days final coaching Php 1,500.00 DIscount Offer: If you avail Both services like the Printed Copy of M


 In regard to exemptions, the following are exempted in taking the Civil Service Exam: Bar and Board Exam Passers Barangay Health Workers Barangay Officials Barangay Nutrition Scholars Foreign School Honor Graduates Electronic Data Processing Specialists Sanggunian Members Honor Graduates Scientific and Technological Specialists Skills Eligibility Veterans Preferance Eligibility Bar and Board Exam Passers Quoting from the R.A 1080, passers of bar and board exams which are conducted by the Supreme Court and Licensure Board Exams conducted by the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) are already exempted from taking the CSE. Barangay Health Workers Pursuant to the R.A 7883, a Barangay Health Worker with at least two (2) years in college education leading to a college degree and five (5) years of active and satisfactory service in his field are granted eligibility and exemption in taking the CSE. Barangay Officials These consist of: Barangay Captain Sangguniang Barangay Members Sanggun

Practice Test for Civil Service Exam from the post of Ms. Taj Martin

 LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY-MOCK EXAM SET 1-GRAMMAR AND CORRECT USAGE 1. On March 15, 2006, the Maywood Recreation Department requested a grant from the state to rebuild the community center that ______ in the recent fire. a. destroys b. will be destroyed c. had been destroyed d is being destroyed 2. Matthew Morris and Jessica Glassman hosted a holiday party that The River Bank Café_____. a. caters b. will cater c. is catering d. catered 3. Megan is trying to read all three books in the series before summer ____________. a. ended b. will have ended c. will end d. ends 4.We have _________________more sweets since that wonderful bakery opened down the block. a. ate b. been eating c. been eat d. eat 5. While attempting to _____________ his broken bicycle, Leo Donner realized that he didn’t have the proper tools. a. be repairing b. have repaired c. repair d. repaired 6. ___________ the police immediately. a. Call b. Called c. Been calling d. To call 7. The biggest problem with Martha’s garden____

Verbal and Analytical Practice Test 104

 Part 5 1. Select the correct spelling among the choices. a. entirtainment b. emtertainment c. entertainment d. entertenment 2. Select the correct spelling among the choices. a. persuasion b. pirsuasion c. pursuasion d. persuacion 3.  Select the word among the choices that means all-knowing. a. Omni King b. Omniscient c. Omnicent d. Umnicient 4. Select the word among the choices that means  a continuing sound, especially of a person's voice, that is unchanging in pitch and without intonation. a. monotone b. monotoon c. monoton d. monotune 5. Select the words that have a similar meaning. a. symmetry- balance b. postscript- beginning c. blue- violet d. walking- relaxing 6.  Select the words that have a different meaning. a. teleportation- levitation b. positive- negative c. upgrade- improve d. renovate- rehabilitate 7. It means to  change (something) as a result of new or different conditions. a. readopt b. readapt c. react d. remove 8. Which of the following is an anagram of a color

Verbal and Analytical Practice Test 103

 Part 4 1. What time will it be 5 hours and  5 minutes after 3:15 pm? a. 8:30 pm b. 8:15 pm c. 10:05 pm d. 8:20 pm 2. Which of the following is the correct translation? Subtract two-third from 3 times d. a. -2/3 *3d b. 2/3-3*d c. (2/3)- 3 (x) d d. -2/3 - ( 3xd) 3. Which of the following is the correct translation? One- fourth of A is minus to 28. a. 1/4 A - 28 b. 1 +4 A- ( 28 ) c. -1/4 A- -28 d. 1/4 A- 28 4. If a clocked standby at 2:00 pm. How many degrees will the large (minute ) hand have turned when the time reaches 2:00 am. a. 360 degrees b. 720 degrees c. 4,320 degrees d. 3,600 degrees 5. Which one letter will complete the first word and begin the second word. ston_ go eliminat_ nergy a. S b.E c.D d. L

BCLTE Transactions August 2020

Proof of transaction uploaded on my youtube channel Titing Dolar ETC. about my transaction who bought my own review materials for Basic Competency on Local Treasurer Examination   Padala to Siargao Island: 1 copy of BCLTE Material. Padala to Lanao del Norte: 1 copy of BCLTE Material. Padala to Luzon: 1 copy of BCLTE Material. Padala to Silang, Cavite and Iligan City: 2 copies of BCLTE Materials

Republic Act 6713

 Philippine Civil Service Examination Review — Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards and Accountability of Public Officials and Employees. One of the most important topics that you have to mainly review is Republic Act 6713, known as Code of Conduct and Ethical Standards of Public Officials and Employees. This law contains the standards which public employees must follow and contains penalties for its violation. Another one is Article 11 of the Philippine Constitution, Accountability of Public Officers. It establishes the Independent office of the Ombudsman who can recommend a case to the Sandiganbayan, a specialized court who hears cases of graft and corruption in the government. It also contains Impeachment Procedures. Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees Section 4 of this act contains the Norms of Conduct of Public Officials and Employees. 1.Commitment to the public interest 2.Professionalism 3.Justness and sincerity. 4.Political neutrality. 5.Responsiveness to the pub