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Practice Test for Civil Service Exam from the post of Ms. Taj Martin

 LANGUAGE PROFICIENCY-MOCK EXAM SET 1-GRAMMAR AND CORRECT USAGE 1. On March 15, 2006, the Maywood Recreation Department requested a grant from the state to rebuild the community center that ______ in the recent fire. a. destroys b. will be destroyed c. had been destroyed d is being destroyed 2. Matthew Morris and Jessica Glassman hosted a holiday party that The River Bank Café_____. a. caters b. will cater c. is catering d. catered 3. Megan is trying to read all three books in the series before summer ____________. a. ended b. will have ended c. will end d. ends 4.We have _________________more sweets since that wonderful bakery opened down the block. a. ate b. been eating c. been eat d. eat 5. While attempting to _____________ his broken bicycle, Leo Donner realized that he didn’t have the proper tools. a. be repairing b. have repaired c. repair d. repaired 6. ___________ the police immediately. a. Call b. Called c. Been calling d. To call 7. The biggest problem with Martha’s garden____