The Local Treasurer Eligibility

Ano ba ang BCLTE at ang importansya nito.

Passing the BCLTE will lead to Local Treasurer Eligibility (LTE) which shall be an equivalent eligibility to the second level or first grade eligibilities, such as the Career Service Professional and the eligibility granted under Republic Act No. 1080.

The LTE shall be appropriate for appointment to Local Treasurer and Assistant Local Treasurer positions, and to positions under the Financial Services in the civil service, which do not require the practice of profession and are not covered by Bar/Board or Special Laws, subject to meeting all the qualification requirements of the positions.

The BCLTE is a requirement in DOF’s SEAL Level 1 Certification for designations of local treasurers and assistant local treasurers effective June 2018. It will also have weight in the evaluation of candidates for appointment of local treasurers.

The BCLTE is open to all those interested to join the local treasury service that meet the CSC admission and qualification requirements applicable for the regular eligibility examinations.

Applicants of the BCLTE must meet the following qualifications:

• Filipino citizen;
• at least 18 years old on the date/time of filing of application;
• of good moral character;
• have not been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude, or disgraceful or immoral conduct, dishonesty, examination irregularity, drunkenness, or addiction to drugs;
• have not been dishonorably discharged from military service, or dismissed for cause from any civilian position in the government;
• and holders of bachelor’s degree on the date/time of filing of application.

Applicants with pending administrative and/or criminal cases may take the examination without prejudice to forfeiture of the eligibility if later convicted.

Fee : P700
Where to File? CSC Office

4 Passport size ID picture with signature
1 xerox valid id

Note : 
Sa mga magnanais mag take nang exam,  search niyo ang LTOM version 2008 and 2016 version download niyo at basa basa rin pag may time.


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